Oh please

Ok, everyone, I didn’t catch the train for that last little bit, but I for one have no intention of turning anything over to some Kildoran dweeb.  Devrik has been uncomfortable not having mentioned an important artifact to the Star Council and is beginning to wonder if the artifact exerts undue influence over us.

In any event, if we allow ourselves to be blackmailed once then there is no reason he can’t just keep threatening to kill those we love to make us his bitches (excuse my camp speech).  Therefore, I say we gate to wherever Erol’s family is and deal with the assassins in wait or else circle back, sneak into the camp, and take out that obnoxious captain.  I for one would not have given him any information about the Onyx Throne assuming I didn’t just kill him or die trying if he pressured us.

16 thoughts on “Oh please

  1. Knowing what he knows about Devrik, and suspecting what he does about the Throne, Vulk is leaning towards what Devrik suggests. We can’t give it up to this asshole in fear of what it gains him and in fear of what he can do to us. (if that makes sense – it’s late)

  2. Korwin offers a few things to consider:
    The so called “some Kildoran dweeb” is in fact Marshal-Magistrate Satirnus, the single most powerful person in the Kildoran Republic.
    The Onyx throne is a Kildoran artifact and returning it to the Republic would go a long way in patching up relations between the Republic and Arashal.
    As you know, the entire area is immersed in war and strong alliances are the only bulwark against the Vortex, which I believe is the true enemy and the Star Council’s main concern.
    If the artifact has any undue influence over us, it stands to reason that it would only effect the descendants of the rulers of the Delrari Empire, which is only Erol and Devrik.
    I do agree that we don’t let him get away with blackmailing us and that we are no ones bitches except maybe the Star Council’s, and Kasira’s and Master Vetaris’ , the Mad God Kalos’ and did I leave anyone out?
    How about an alternative plan: We round up the giant and retrieve the throne. We have Vulk secure and official Arashal escort and loudly announce the return of the Throne by the Peolple of Arashal. We parade through the countryside gathering up curious onlookers and playing up the fact that it was the Hand that had discovered it while defeating the biggest threat to the Republic’s western frontier. We march into Satirnus’s captital for a very public presentation. He will have no choice but to take seat and one of three things happen:
    1 The Throne confirms Satirnus as a true descendant of the Delrari positioning him to be Emperor. Well then everyone will know that we are the ones who made it happen. Will he proclaim that he blackmailed us to get the throne. I don’t think so
    2 The Throne burns his ass then pitches him off into the crowd humiliating him to no end. Lesson learned: Threaten the Hand of Fortune and we will destroy your life.
    3 Nothing Happens, Satirnus will gain power in the Republic and again it will be because of us.

    I know how much we just like to charge headlong into the fray but just once can’t we have a plan?

  3. I disagree about our not having a plan – we always have a plan, it goes horribly wrong, and then we charge in!
    I don’t care how many titles one is granted, if you act like a thug then you are thug.
    Star Council: maybe I’m naive, but if I told them I was hanging up my sword to live a quiet life in the swamps with Raven and my boy, they wouldn’t assassinate me or my family for doing so.
    Kasira: She has helped us out time and again with the priorities we have chosen and never made us do something.
    Master Vetaris: see Star Council above
    Mad God Kalos: He offered Devrik something that is nigh priceless after we had already helped him. That’s the difference between a generous reward and a gutless bribe.
    Every single person you listed is someone I would aid willingly and who has time and again done so for us. I am waiting for the write-up to make sure I understand exactly what happened. but as far as I can tell, he basically commanded us to get the Throne for him or he would kill Erol’s family. That is EXACTLY the wrong way to go about getting Devrik’s help, and so Devrik will be dead set against doing anything to aid him.
    If he really is the Caesar of Kildora, then I say we hand Brutus a knife and be done with it.

  4. By the way, I actually like the sound of that plan for a very public return of the Throne. I suggest we notify the Star Council for their approval, along with requesting their aid in securing the safety of Erol’s family, and both happened, Devrik would be mollified enough to go along with your plan.

  5. I can’t wait to see how this debate develops! There’s some great ideas here, and it’s cool to have you guys debating various strategies – it will make it easier for me to have multiple branches on the decision tree for the next adventure, rather than having to wing it when you take off in an unexpected direction 🙂

  6. Coming in late to this- but my inclination is to rescue Erol’s family- AND then check with the Council and see if Davey’s plan makes sense.

    We should find the giant, because the giant is AWESOME!

  7. Vulk wouldn’t want to rescue the family only because that seems like a “waste of time” – and we are literally on the clock. Besides, even if we rescued part of his family, I’m sure he would figure out someone else to hurt. I think doing Davey’s plan is best. If we need the giant to help move it, then let’s get him first.

    Please keep in mind that Vulk’s opinion shifts with the wind, so if anyone else has a bright idea, he might support that, too!

  8. We might need to split up to accomplish the many tasks needed to pull off: saving our bacon, keeping Erol’s family honor, avoiding starting a war, winning the current war, and revealing Satirnus to be the douche that he is. I suggest that Erol, Toran and Mariala track down the giant and head towards the throne’s location while Devrik, Vulk and Korwin gate to inform the Star Council then gate to recruit an official Arashal Honor Guard then rendezvous at the throne. If we can accomplish these within the 5 days and send word that the Official Return the Throne Processional is on the way, if Satirnus moves against Erol’s Family before we get there we just pass him by and hed to the capital. What’s he going to do?

  9. Davey is on a roll. I say we make Brian’s life difficult and split the party in 2 just to stretch his story telling capabilities to keep us all happy and engaged.

  10. Shall we spend some more time brainstorming this week so we don’t spend the first hour or two deciding what to do?

    Brian- if you want to give us any helpful updates before Saturday so we can talk this out this week, it might save you some headaches too.

    While I like the idear of splitting up the Hand into two groups- in reality we would be either halving the game time for each group and maybe making everything longer as those of us not in the group would still be inclined to add our helpful comments.
    Splitting up would be fun just to give Brian the headache, but I am not sure we should be cutting off our own nose.

  11. A reminder, Korwin’s plan is to split up and then meet back at the location of the throne. This would only have us separated for part of the adventure if all goes well. And really, when hasn’t things gone our way.

  12. Hmmmm… well, go ahead and split the group, if you del you must. I get to “play” either way, it’s you guys who will suffer with half of you sitting there listening/watching the other half adventuring… and unable to comment when the screw everything up, ‘casuse you’re not there! 🙂

    But I will point out that it would be difficult for you to accomplish anything in Delfarin, vis-a-vis protecting the Doritar clan, since Satirnus’ threats were more subtle than simple back-alley thuggery. I’m not sure what anyone could do against trumped up charges of malfeasance or treason brought before the Senate, social whispering campaigns, etc., much less some foreigner adventurers. Reputation matters a great deal in any society, but especially so in the Republic, and are too easily “killed.”

    Beyond that, I think your various plans sound workable. And i agree with Jeff – the giant is AWESOME!

  13. I like the plan of making a show of presenting the throne (and finding the giant).

    I also think that, given the nature of the threats against Erol’s family, there’s not much to be accomplished by splitting the group (other than give Brian a headache).

    Playing devil’s advocate here, what would happen if we delivered a fake throne? Given that the throne has been missing for so long, would Satirnus be the wiser? What other parties are interested in the throne? If we proceed with making a show of delivering the (fake) throne, and it is discovered to be fake, do we have plausible deniability, or would that seal the fate of Erol’s clan? No real plan here, just not wanting to deliver the throne.

  14. Sorry for the last minute comments (which I ran by Brian earlier this evening). Here are Mariala’s thoughts: Since our secret knowledge of the throne is no longer secret I think we should reach out to Master Vetaris via enchanted paper telegram and arrange for some of our party to meet with him about the situation. We can brief him on Korwin’s idea to turn the whole throne delivery into a huge public procession and see what he thinks. He is in a position to support our plan and bring others into the loop who can help as well. This would address Deverik’s worry about not informing the Star council.

    I am also down with the plan of splitting up and having Mariala, Erol and Torin go in search of the giant to enlist his help in actually physically moving the throne.

    Then assuming that Master Vetaris agrees to support our procession idea we met up again and deliver the throne – as agreed – to Satirnus. He won’t be able to say we didn’t hold up our end of the deal and with the public nature of the whole thing he should be force to make good on his word to release Erol. (but he is a bad guy so we can’t really count on that)

    I understand that splitting up might be challenging in terms of waiting and watching but I am okay with it. Of course I don’t have to try to hold my attention over the phone.

  15. I like Davey’s original plan the most, along with Claire’s latest ideas- but I think we can do this without splitting the party.

    Notify Master Vetaris by paper, go find the giant- get to the throne- extract it- work with the council- public delivery.

    A fake throne? I think that could go really, really badly unless we used it as a momentary distraction, and I don’t think we have a good reason to take on the most powerful man in the Republic.

    IF the Star Council opposes the return of the throne to the Republic, then we need a plan for that- and there really is no plan that ‘saves’ Erol’s family from either death or ruin.

    Erol, being Erol, cares more about his family than what the Star Council thinks or wants- but me the player recognizes that the Star Council would have some wise input on this,

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