One of the most enduring legends about the Telnori and the Age of Chaos is that of Elmorial, the “lost city of King Evenkal.” Telnori, Khundari, and Umantari legends all refer to its existence, although every tale is vague on details such as appearance and location. Telnori and Khundari legends are strangely coy on the subject of what became of the city; neither race seems eager to discuss the matter.
Although the ambiguity of the Elmorial myth casts doubt on whether it even existed, a few clues do exist. It is almost certain that it was built prior to the arrival of the Khundari in the north of Ysgareth. Dwarven tales speak of the “ancient halls of the Star King”, and since both Telitar and Stormhaven were built with Khundari aid, they are probably not the places being referred to as “ancient”.
It is generally believed that Elmorial was located in western Ysgareth, most likely on the shores of the Shattered Sea. This assumption is based on the fact that the Telnori influence has always been strong in the Archipelago. Attempts by human adventurers to find it have met with no success. The treasure maps that have occasionally turned up showing Elmorial’s location have been frauds. A minority opinion holds the city was in lost Kahir-Tamor, and now lies beneath the waves of the Hidden Sea in the northeast.
Some people believe that Elmorial was Gelivek. While this possibility cannot be entirely discounted it seems somewhat unlikely. Most of Gelivek was not built by the Telnori, and there is little to suggest that it was ever called “King Evenkal’s city”.
There are hints in the legends that Elmorial was destroyed by a natural disaster. This theory gained some support from the report of the survivors of a shipwreck in the Gulf of Yani in 2831. They claimed to have seen the ruins of a great city beneath the waters of off the Wild Coast. The fact that an expedition five years later found nothing has not dampened the rumor.
There are two other interesting theories about Elmorial. The first is that it existed (exists?) in another dimension and can be reached by one of the Vortices in Telishan. The second is that Elmorial is not a physical place at all, but rather a state of mind that the Telnori of the old blood could achieve. For obvious reasons, proof of these theories would be extremely difficult to obtain.