Every child in Ysgareth knows of the Deathspawn, the soulless beastmen who lurk in the dark and dangerous wilderness, the tales of which are used to keep rural children close to home. Monstrous beings part human and part animal, they live mainly in the mountains and highlands of the world, although they can be found even in the lowland wilderness at the edges of human civilization. Depending on the tribe, they range from 3′ to over 5′ 6″.
They are said to stalk the nights, preying on isolated human settlements or travelers, a constant threat and danger in remote areas. They breed at a ferocious rate, and when they outgrow their fetid underground warrens, they burst out in a swarm, a deadly tide that can sweep across whole districts leaving nothing alive in its wake. They eat anything on hoof or foot, including human beings, and will rape anything – man, woman, child or beast – even in the midst of battle.
Everyone knows there are five tribes of Beastmen: the gül-Hovgavui, the Great or Black Gül, who are the largest and most fearsome of the tribes, part bull, part boar, part man, with great tusks and sometimes even horns; the gül-Bogabai, the Red Gül, part bear, part man, with thick dark reddish fur, second in size and aggressiveness only to the Black Güls, and are the most cannibalistic of the tribes; the gül-Nomai, the Brown Gül, most common of the tribes, are great miners and engineers, and the type most likely to swarm, their small tusks showing their porcine roots; the gül-Gramlini, the White Gül, a hybrid of wolf and man, are not quite as bloodthirsty as their cousins, perhaps, and are often found in woodlands; and the gül-Kobali, the Small or Streaked Gül, are the smallest of the tribes, woodland dwellers, their fur varying the most, from tawny streaks on brown to complex patterns of colors, they wield blow darts and bows, and are part weasel, part cat, part man.
It is said by some that the Gülvini are the result of interbreeding by the Necromancer of human and dwarven prisoners with various animals; others say they are the result of unnatural acts performed by the Khundari on animals; and a few even believe that the Gül are Telnori, corrupted and twisted by the god Korön. These latter slanders are generally only common in areas where humans and the other two races are in conflict or competition.
A hybrid race of malevolent, intelligent humanoids, also known as deathspawn, güls, beastmen and goblins. Divided into five known sub-species, the Gülvini are considered the most aggressive and barbaric of the intelligent, culture-forming species on Novendo. They are also dramatically distinct from most other races in their origin, biology, and society. While the sub-species are unable to interbreed, they are unfortunately capable of cross-breeding with both the Umantari and the Khundari, as countless rapes have confirmed. A Telnori half-breed might be possible, but that race is able to control their biology to such an extent that it would have to be a willing interbreeding, a very unlikely event. Most Umantari, and all Khundari, cultures believe the Gül have no redeeming qualities whatsoever, and in general both fear and hate them. The feeling is mutual.
The Deathspawn first appeared on Ysgareth in the mid-25th Century during the Tyranny of the Necromancer Pürshok, a renegade mage who sought to use his considerable arcane powers to build an empire with the goal of freeing Korön, the Chained God, from his confinement. They quickly became Pürshok’s primary tool for subjugating his enemies, and their ferocity and depravity became feared throughout the continent, earning their lord the sobriquet “Pürshok the Deathspawner.” Colonies have since found their way to Ishkala and Koruik, though they remain small and generally isolated there.
Where they came from and how Pürshok gained control of the Gülvini is one of the great mysteries of history. The Necromancer claimed to have created them entirely from “scratch,” as it were, but few experts believe this. The great scholar and mage Talorin Silvereye believed they were descended, in part, from the ancient Orukeshi, monstrous soldiers the Immortal Korön’s created during the Age of Chaos. Thought extinct for a millennia, Pürshok may have found a surviving tribe and bred them in an unholy union of Umantari, Telnori, Khundari and animal genetic material, creating the five distinct sub-species known to exist today: the gül-Hovgavui, gül-Bogabai, gül-Nomai, gül-Gramlini, and gül-Kobali.
Whatever their genesis, they soon proved almost ungovernable. Despite his arcane powers, Pürshok was hard put to maintain control over his armies. In 2511, after attacking and destroying the heartland of Serviana, Pürshok’s army was annihilated by an avenging Khundari/Telnori army at the Battle of Harkathir. Pürshok was captured and is said to have been buried alive in a stone tomb with an “honor guard” of 15 starving Gülvini, three from each “tribe.”
The Necromancer’s demise released the surviving Gülvini from central control and they sought refuge from the Khundari and the armies of Oceania and Valtira in the mountainous areas of Ysgareth. The subsequent withdrawal of the Allied forces back to their homelands soon allowed the Gülvini to flourish.
Conflict with other races was inevitable, given the Gülvini breeding rate. In the decades after the Great War population pressure forced some Gülvini to descend from the mountains into conflict with Ysgareth’s tribal folk. This forced some tribesmen to attack the civilized Umantari kingdoms, leading to the Hundred Kingdoms Period in central Ysgareth. By 2650, the Gülvini were widespread throughout the continent, and their population of about 100,000 has been relatively stable since then.
Gülvini have a unique reproductive biology, which is taken by many scholars as proof of their artificial origins. In each tribe females make up no more than 35% of the population. Births are skewed heavily towards the male gender, and the dominant male of a tribe controls the females, who live sequestered in well-protected “harems,” ruled by the dominant female. The “king” of a Gülvini tribe allows select males to mate as a reward for courage and loyalty, or as a bribe for desired behaviors. The “queen” decides which females are given to which male.
More than half the male Gülvini population never have sexual contact with females of their own species. This does not mean these males are impotent; they are fully capable of rape, as survivors (both male and female) of Gülvini raids can attest. Sexual tension, male-on-male rape, and competition for sexual access to the females explains much about Gülvini “society.”
Females become fertile by age 12, and the species has an exceptionally fast internal gestation rate – just 90 days from conception to birth, which consists of three to five egg-like sacs. These quickly toughen into a leathery shell, which protects the still-developing young for another 30-40 days, during which time they are kept warm and protected in mud “nests” within the “queen’s” area, guarded by the other females. Once they fight their way out of the shell, the young are left with the females for the first four years of life, after which the males are taken to be trained as fighters. The species matures at an accelerated rate, reaching full growth by age 10 or 12.
Since no Gülvini male could be trusted to guard a tribe’s seraglio, the best of the females form a “Queen’s Guard.” These female warriors keep all males except the dominant “king” away from their sisters. They are often the most vicious fighters in the tribe, though few outsiders have a chance to learn this unless they are invading a hive-nest, as the females seldom stray far. There have, however, been occasional bands of female warriors seen during “swarms,” although never integrated with male bands.
Gülvini are capable of impregnating Umantari or Khundari females (Telnori are immune due to their total control over their biological functions). The half-breed offspring of Gülvini rape generally appear more like his/her mother’s people, but seldom enough like them to pass unnoticed in either Umantari or Khundari society. If born while the mother is still in Gülvini hands, the child is almost always killed and eaten. Those few who survive to adulthood in civilized nations generally lead difficult and solitary lives. They are also themselves almost always sterile (an 80% chance). There have been only two documented case of a human male impregnating a Gülvini female, and in both cases the offspring proved fertile. It’s not known if this is a fluke or represents a normal fertility rate, but with no volunteers willing to brave the experiment, it is unlikely scholars will ever get a larger population for proper analysis. The recent Oceanian embassy to Vonkal-Va was sent, in part, to study the fertility rates of that hybrid nation (see below).
Gülvini have the shortest life spans of Novendo’s intelligent culture-forming races. Fully grown within a decade of birth, they seldom live past the age of 30. Most die violently long before then. Half-breeds, if they survive childhood, live longer, but seldom past 60.
Racial Memory
Gülvini are born possessing a common set of memories, or more accurately, racial instincts fused within their genetic code – another indicator of their artificial creation. This racial memory includes the basics of their language, customs, fighting, etc. Additional specialized information is included for each sub-species. For example, Kobali are born knowing more about hunting, while Nomai instinctively know more about mining and mechanical constructs.
Because Gülvini begin life with so much cultural information, they develop very quickly. Newborn Gülvini begin very quickly to interact with their tribe, and reach adulthood within a decade. However, their racial memory cannot change (beyond normal genetic drift) and is therefore a fixed pool of knowledge from one generation to the next. Unlike other intelligent species, Gülvini tribal society seems to remain almost totally unchanging.
Although Gülvini begin life with a common set of memories, they are still able to learn. Indeed, one of the first things newborn Gülvini need to discover is the geography of their lair and surrounding area. The young are taught this additional information by the tribe’s females, but much is learned by trial and error, or by watching and listening to others, after the males leave the harem. If all the older Gülvini avoid a certain tunnel, for example, most youngsters will eventually notice and copy the action. This can result in Gülvini avoiding areas for reasons now long forgotten.
A crucial element of their racial memory is an instinct to submit to a clearly superior authority. Hence, the Gülvini will accept the control of a king, provided he demonstrates an ability to eliminate rivals. Similarly, most species accept slavery under the dominant Hovgavui. This trait explains Gülvini submission to Pürshok, whose arcane powers and cruelty were formidable. It has also, from time to time, allowed others to gain brief dominance of some colonies. Continued submission, however, demands that the controlling force be merciless; any sign of weakness brings an immediate revolt which is inevitably fatal to the would-be tyrant.
Gülvini tribes vary dramatically in size, ranging from forty members to a few thousand. Only the colony-dwellers, not the nomads, form the larger tribes. Tribes constantly raid each other. Even within their own tribe, Gülvini squabble, maim, kill, rape and cannibalize each other. However, if faced with an external threat, or a mutual target for aggression, they will suspend internal discord until the common enemy is defeated. Only with an exceptionally strong king is there any hope of tranquillity within a Gülvini colony, but even this brings a population explosion which always leads to a massive bloodletting.
Gülvini have no social restrictions barring competition to become king, and thereby gain unrestricted access to the queen and other females. Methods range from a knife in the back while sleeping to mortal combat with the community watching. The only requirement, from the point of view of the would-be king, is to survive long enough to enjoy it. It’s rare that any survive more than a few years. It is considered an important rite for a new king to publicly devour the body of the deposed monarch. That Gülvini are violent by instinct is not surprising, considering that most of them are the offspring of the most aggressive males.
Gülvini are nocturnal; they prefer to hunt and raid at night when their vision is most keen, and prefer subterranean living. They usually find cover and sleep during daylight hours, but they can fight in sunlight if necessary.
Gülvini eat only meat and always seem to be hungry. Most tribes are constantly hunting, although a few also keep food animals. They do not hesitate at cannibalism (some tribes even regard the meat of their young as a delicacy) and all Gülvini very much enjoy eating Umantari or Khundari flesh, and Telnori is a rare delicacy. Sometimes they even kill or cook their food before dining.
The northern Ysgarethian Khundari, in particular, have an abiding hatred for the Gülvini. They will seldom tolerate the presence of the Deathspawn for long in lands they control. The animosity is mutual; the two races have a long history of conflict dating from the Rape of Akaztamyr and the Carnage of Zakiruth five centuries ago. Nothing is likely to please a dwarf more than the gift of a gül head.
The Swarm
When a Gülvini colony becomes overcrowded one of two events will occur: a bloody civil war or a swarm. Civil wars can kill up to 80 percent of the population in a sudden orgy of bloodletting, perhaps lasting only an hour. A swarm occurs when a significant number of males, perhaps 40 percent, seize as many females as they can, and escape to establish a new colony. A rarer, but not unheard of, trigger to swarming is when a cadre of females revolt, leaving the colony and establishing themselves in a new hive-nest to await whichever males are strong enough to make it to them. Either way, a swarm can be very unpleasant for anyone in its path.
Vonkal-Va and Vonkal-Ur
The one known exception to Gülvini tribal life, one that confounds the learned, is the divided nation of Vonkala. A wild and rugged land laying south and southeast of the Karac Mountains, it was overrun during the Great War by hordes of the Deathspawn fleeing the destruction of their master and his armies. The sparse Umantari population was soon enslaved, but over time a strange thing happened – the offspring of Gülvini/Umantari mating began to grow common enough that they eventually took control. A hybrid culture evolved, although not without difficulty. Today Vonkal-Va is home to the more human culture, while Vonkal-Ur remains dominated by stronger Gülvini traits. Both societies are considered abominations by most Umantari nations, with the exception of Oceania, who has recently sent diplomats to Vonkal-Va.
Language & Scripts
Each sub-species has a distinct spoken language. Racial memory provides a template for grammar and vocabulary, although the latter is never extensive. Gestures are used to qualify statements or indicate emotional states. Most humans cannot interpret these rapid hand signals, so Gülvini speech inevitably sounds like chaotic grunts and growls.
Communication between the sub-species is also difficult. Each language assumes the speaker is conversing with someone with the same racial memory. Consequently, it is easier for Gülvini to learn a local human language than another gül tongue. However, their racial memory also includes a highly-developed sign language which is identical for all Gülvini. This sign language supplements Yashparic, for speech between the sub-species in Ysgareth.
There are no Gülvini scripts. Although reading and writing is rare, a few güls have learned the scripts of others.
The Gülvini are irreligious. Their racial memory informs them they were “Forsaken by the Gods” but they cannot explain the origin of this notion. Their instinctive awe and fear of superior power has allowed a few bold clerics of Naventhül, Zelist and Korön to convert some Gülvini, but this has always been short-lived. The Gülvini require an ongoing demonstration of superiority to honor their submission. No deity or demon, not even Naventhül, is willing to play this game, and Gülvini cannot accept blind faith.