Storm clouds in the North, Part II

Sorry, not gonna get the recap finished before today’s game. Rather than do a half-assed job, enjoy the raw version, via Davey’s notes…
Let’s try not to kill the new guy
 We travel a day
We wind up in a glade
Stumble across some Gülvini
…Who have teamed up with Barbarians?
We chat up the injured
Black Guls betrayed them
Mariala makes some Gül friends
We decide to team up and help ambush the black guls
Black Gülvini Lives Don’t Matter
We meet Taeland who saved us from being seen by Gul reconnaissance team
We all go off to Vabasht
We head into Gül Mountain
Bulk, I mean Vulk, gets petulant when it suggested that Jeb stay behind with B Fiddy
Guess he felt without Jeb he was wearing the red shirt
We go into Vabasht
We spend an hour on tech support hold
We met Gül “King”
Ambushed My Ass
We spend another hour dicking up a plan
Vulk coridantes Team Little Gül defensive stand of living areas
We disguise slime pit with  illusion and position team in various ambush positions
Head Mean Gül walks right into slime pit
At last a plan works the hands way!
Erol’s Blast of Norinos damages a lot
Toran cross bolts one
Taeland long bows one
Mariala fire nerves a batch
Vulk minces about  setting up tables in defensive positions
Devrik lobs a fireball into the group
The few remaining black guls turn tail and run
Taeland pulls off a spectacular limited view down hill long shot that even managed to impress Devrik
Erol, with long bow envy, takes out one with his own bow
Mariana crossbows… and misses
Jeb takes out wounded Gül
We let Vulk know he can stop setting up defenses
Our Güls slaughter the wounded Güls
There is No One Left to kill
 Vulk Taeland and Korwin who took the back passage
Attack the guls pillaging the kitchens
Meanwhile back at the battle
Erol attack and skewers Gül skull with trident
Toran crossbows one
Devrik uses Noriana’s Battle fury
Güls counter attack and take down Devrik
Erol tridents another
Back in the kitchen, not wanting to look bad in front of Taeland, Vulk and Korwin prove surprisingly effective in Gül removal
Erol kills yet another, while Toran battle axes the final foe
We tend to Devrik’s wounds
We loot
We gather reward
Miller Time

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